🌏Phellas Travel Club NFT

Your membership to exclusive travel retreats for globetrotters and adventurers

What is the Phellas Travel Club?

Phellas Travel Club is a first-of-its-kind NFT collection that provides free and exclusive travel events across the globe for members. Members will be a part of a tight-knit community that is active at IRL activities and online in the metaverse.

The Problem

It’s no secret that since the Pandemic hit, in-person interactions and traveling has been severely limited for most of us. The lack of socialization has many people in distress, developing post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms. Travel restrictions have plagued us for the better part of the last 2 years. The state of the world aside, planning a trip has always been a challenge. You have to find like-minded friends to go with, then figure out where to go and what to do when you get there. There are just so many variables that can stop you from having a fun travel experience!

The Solution

That's why the Phellas are here! Phellas plans to make a breakthrough in this area. We want to bring the fun back, bring the gatherings back, the friendships, the joys of travelling with great people, going to engaging activities, forming IRL friendships, and doing all this safely.

The world has been too drab for too long!

That’s why Phellas holders will be owners of a ticket to the Get Together event. This is the only event of its kind; an epic recurring travel retreat exclusively for Phellas holders. We will also be implementing a Phellas metaverse where our community can connect online outside of the IRL events. Check out our roadmap for details on the Phellas events, metaverse, and more:


Why an NFT?

The Phellas travel membership is obtained by purchasing the Phellas NFT on the Solana blockchain. So you may ask, why don't we just sell regular travel memberships instead of NFTs? Phellas memberships being NFTs is to the advantage of both our members and the project itself.

  • For members; when you purchase a Phellas NFT, just having ownership of it allows access to all the membership perks and events, and it doubles as an asset that you can trade! If in the future you want to sell your Phella to make additional cash that is totally up to you. In a traditional membership, the money spent on the membership is gone forever, you can't resell the membership or get any value back once you cancel it.

  • For the club; the membership being an NFT plays into one of our core sustainability strategies for the longevity of the project! Find out more in the "Royalties" section below:

pageSustainability Strategy

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